Frequently Asked Questions

frequently asked questions medical waste pros

Where are you located?

Our headquarters is in Lakewood, Colorado. However, we provide medical waste disposal services to customers across the United States.

How do I use Medical Waste Pros’ services?

Contact us at (888) 755-6370 or fill out the form, then we will match you with a local partner who is a part of our nationwide network who can handle the job. Our team will provide you with free, no-obligation quotes on services in your area. The partners will get in touch with you to schedule and confirm services.

What waste does Medical Waste Pros handle?

Medical Waste Pros can handle all kinds of medical waste across a variety of industries. The waste we handle includes:

What industries does Medical Waste Pros serve?

At Medical Waste Pros we can service any need from residential to businesses, and across many industries. Some of the industries we service include:

Can I just throw away medical waste?

No, you cannot simply throw away medical waste of any kind. Medical waste handling, transportation, and disposal is regulated by state and federal laws. Some of the agencies that regulates medical waste are OSHA, FDA, DOT, and the EPA. It is important to make note that these regulations have been put into place for your safety, regarding environmental and health effects of improper disposal.

Does Medical Waste Pros provide consultations or assistance with creating custom medical waste management plans?

Yes, when you contact our team we can help to advise you on the best service for your unique needs. After screening, we can assist in developing customized plans to meet regulatory requirements and operational needs.

Do different industries need to follow different medical waste disposal guidelines?

Your facility might require different standards. Learn more about industry-by-industry requirements here.

What steps should businesses take to train employees on proper medical waste handling and disposal procedures?

To train employees on handling medical waste, provide comprehensive training on waste segregation, handling, labeling, storage, and emergency response procedures, ensuring compliance with regulations. Creating a culture around proper disposal is crucial for keeping employees safe.

Are there special considerations for handling sharps and infectious waste during disposal?

Yes, sharps should be disposed of in puncture-resistant containers, and infectious waste should be treated to neutralize pathogens before disposal.

What kind of containers should sharps be disposed in?

Sharps, such as needles, syringes, and lancets, should be disposed of in puncture-resistant containers specifically designed for sharps disposal. These containers are typically made of thick plastic or metal to prevent accidental needle sticks and punctures. They often have a secure lid or closure mechanism to seal the container when not in use. Additionally, these containers are labeled with biohazard symbols and instructions for safe disposal to ensure proper handling by healthcare workers, waste management personnel, and the public. These containers can then go into a larger medical waste disposal bin.

What should businesses do with expired or unused medical supplies that require disposal?

Properly dispose of expired or unused supplies according to regulations, which may involve returning them to manufacturers, donating usable items, or following specific disposal guidelines.

Can customers schedule one-time pickups for medical waste disposal, or are there ongoing service options?

Both options are available, with businesses choosing one-time pickups for specific needs or ongoing services for regular waste generation.

Can households generate medical waste that needs proper disposal?

Yes, households with medical conditions requiring sharps disposal (like insulin needles) or other medical waste should follow proper disposal protocols. Learn more about residential sharps disposal.

Are there different categories or classes of medical waste that require specialized disposal methods?

Yes, medical waste is categorized into classes such as infectious, sharps, pathological, pharmaceutical, and chemical waste, each requiring specific disposal methods to ensure safety.

What is pathological waste?

Pathological waste includes organs, tissues, surgical specimens, and bodily fluids removed during surgery or an autopsy of a human or animal. Learn more about pathological waste definitions and disposal.

What is infectious waste?

Infectious waste includes a broad swath of materials contaminated with pathogens. This includes blood, sharps, tissues, cultures, and other potentially hazardous materials. Improper disposal of these materials can lead to the transmission of infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, and other serious illnesses. Learn more about infectious waste definitions and disposal.

What is pharmaceutical waste?

Pharmaceutical waste refers to any expired, unused, contaminated, or unwanted medication or pharmaceutical products. These can be generated by healthcare facilities, pharmacies, veterinary clinics, households, and other sources. Proper disposal of these materials is crucial to prevent environmental contamination, potential abuse or misuse, and to comply with regulations aimed at protecting public health and safety. Learn more about pharmaceutical waste.

What is chemical waste?

Chemical waste refers to any unwanted or unused chemicals that can pose hazards to human health or the environment if not properly managed and disposed of. Proper handling, storage, treatment, and disposal of chemical waste are essential to prevent pollution, protect public health, and comply with environmental regulations. Learn more about chemical waste.

What are the risks associated with improper medical waste disposal?

Risks of improper medical waste disposal include the spread of infections, harm to sanitation workers and the public, environmental pollution, and legal penalties for non-compliance.

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which is a federal law enacted in 1996 in the United States. HIPAA is designed to improve the portability and continuity of health insurance coverage, as well as to promote the confidentiality and security of patients’ protected health information (PHI). Learn more about HIPAA and how it impacts medical waste.

What is Protected Health Information (PHI)?

PHI stands for Protected Health Information. It refers to any individually identifiable information relating to an individual’s physical or mental health, healthcare services provided to them, or payment for healthcare services. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States, PHI includes a wide range of information that must be safeguarded to protect individuals’ privacy and confidentiality.

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Medical Waste Pros specializes in complaint medical waste disposal services. Let us help you find a reliable local medical waste service provider for sharps disposalregulated wastesbiohazard disposal, and more.