About Michael Rummel

Entries by Michael Rummel

Biomedical Waste Disposal Guidelines

Sep 11, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by Healthcare organizations and practices generate biomedical waste daily, and the bigger the organization, the larger the waste generation. As with any waste generation, it requires disposal. However, with biomedical waste, the process depends on the type of waste and the regulations surrounding its disposal.  Types of Biomedical Waste Biomedical waste is broken down into 4 […]

Proper Disposal of PPE Guidelines

Sep 05, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by PPE has played a crucial rule in healthcare settings for a long time, but the COVID-19 pandemic brought its use to new heights, both inside and outside of healthcare settings. While it has undoubtedly saved lives, it has also created a significant amount of waste, making the proper disposal of PPE more important than ever.  […]

RCRA Hazardous Waste Explainer

Aug 18, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, passed in 1976 and more commonly referred to by its acronym, RCRA, is the modern foundation for many types of waste regulations, including hazardous waste.  The law outlines how hazardous waste needs to be treated, from its generation, to its handling, all the way to its disposal. While only […]

Pathological Waste Definition and Disposal Process

Aug 04, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by The definition of pathological waste depends slightly on your locale, but, generally, pathological waste includes organs, tissues, surgical specimens, and bodily fluids removed during surgery or an autopsy of a human or animal.   While organs, tissues, and surgical specimens are typically treated as pathological waste no matter the location, in some states fluids removed through […]

How to Dispose of Medication Safely

Jul 24, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by Nearly 70% of American adults take prescription medication every day. When you consider that America has a population of over 300 million, that’s a lot of pills and prescriptions being used and filled every day. However, not all of those pills are used, and in those cases, it’s important to know how to dispose of […]

How to Dispose of Lancets

Jun 29, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by For those living with diabetes and other chronic health conditions, the use of lancets and needles are a factor of everyday life. Estimates put the use of these tools at over a billion a year in the United States alone, which raises an important question. How do you dispose of these lancets and needles when […]

Diabetic Needle Disposal Office

Jun 23, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by For the millions of Americans living with diabetes, diabetic needle disposal often presents a challenge. Many stores and restaurants don’t offer public disposal options, and even disposing of needles at home can present a challenge.  The good news, however, is that there are simple DIY and professional solutions that can make diabetic needle disposal much […]

Tips to Reduce Medical Waste

May 25, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by The amount of medical waste produced a year amounts to a staggering 6 million tons. Every medical practice should learn how to reduce their medical waste, both for financial and environmental reasons.  On the financial side, the savings add up quickly. Neurosurgeons at a Canadian hospital saved nearly $600,000 in a year by reducing their […]

What Medical Equipment to Recycle, and How to Do It

May 18, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by Whether you’re updating a machine, or getting rid of a device you no longer need, you have to find a way to dispose of it. If it’s still working, a great option is to recycle that old medical equipment.  By doing so, you keep that old tech out of a landfill, and you can help […]

Types of Autoclave: Classes, Methods, and Loading Styles

May 02, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by Autoclaves play a crucial role in any medical setting. These machines use a combination of steam, high pressure, and heat to sanitize a variety of devices and waste. While they all operate on the same basic principles, there are several different types of autoclave in the modern medical setting. Each type possesses its own strengths […]

Chemotherapy Waste Management

Apr 24, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by Chemotherapy remains a crucial and lifesaving treatment for millions of people around the world suffering from cancer. However, as anyone who’s administered or received chemotherapy knows, the drugs require the utmost care. If improperly handled, they can cause severe harm to both patients and providers. As a result, chemotherapy waste management must be treated seriously, […]

Medical Equipment Disposal Best Practices

Apr 04, 2023  /  0 Comments  /  by Technology is central to modern-day healthcare. From scans, to diagnostic systems, to electronic medical records, medical equipment and technology play a crucial role in treatment. Unfortunately, these devices don’t last forever. When it comes time for disposal of your old medical equipment, it’s helpful to know the options available for you or your practice.  Reselling […]